GPPAD publications

Early-childhood body mass index and its association with the COVID 19 pandemic, containment measures and islet autoimmunity in children with increased risk for type 1 diabetes
S. Hummel, A.G. Ziegler et al. Diabetologia 2024

Infection episodes and islet autoantibodies in children at increased risk for type 1 diabetes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
I. Zeller, A.G. Ziegler et al. Infection 2024

Clinical care advice for monitoring of islet autoantibody positive individuals with presymptomatic type 1 diabetes
E. Hendriks, L. Marcovecchio et al. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2024

Vitamin D insufficiency in infants with increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes: a secondary analysis of the POInT Study
A. Jacobs, M. Warnants, V. Vollmuth et al. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2024

SARS-CoV-2 infection and development of islet autoimmunity in early childhood
E. Bonifacio, M. Lugar, A. Eugster et al. Jama. 2023

The emotional well-being of parents with children at genetic risk for type 1 diabetes before and during participation in the POInT-study
J. Houben, M. Janssens, C. Winkler et al. Pediatr Diabetes 2022

Elevations in blood glucose before and after the appearance of islet autoantibodies in children
K. Warncke, A. Weiss, P. Achenbach et al. J Clin Invest. 2022

Maternal type 1 diabetes and alterations in blood DNA methylation of their offspring
S. Hummel, R. Ott, A.G. Ziegler

Genetics of circulating proteins in newborn babies identifies drivers of type 1 diabetes risk and therapeutic targets
Proteomics Project done in Dried Blood Spots using samples POInT participants
(in revision)

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